Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What day is it again?

It's been a crazy few days, and it looks like there are only more like it to come! Saturday night Gary Clark Jr. played a birthday show at Antone's with Bavu Blakes. It was both intense and fun -- those guys can rip up a stage like nobody's business.

When Gary Clark Jr. first took the stage, I looked down and saw a tall man in a suit go up to Rob. He was clearly asking him to turn his camera off, but by the time I fought my way through the crowd to where he'd been shooting, Rob was gone. I found him a minute later and took the tall man in the suit aside to see what was up. Turns out he was Gary's father and didn't know we were filming the show. We smoothed everything out and Rob went on shooting the show. It was intense for a few minutes, there but we didn't lose too much filming time luckily.




This morning we went back to the Spring condo-in-progress to get some dawn shots, so I'll be posting about that later. Rob climbed up the crane! Amazing.

Right now I'm running off to meet the guys near downtown, where we're shooting an interview with Dana Falconberry! We're also filming her show tonight at the Salvage Vanguard Theatre, so there will be a lot to catch up on...

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